I had been on a weight loss journey for most of my life, if I want to date it back I would say probably starting around middle school age. I had this burning desire to be thinner, smaller, skinnier. And at the beginning of every year it was always the New Years resolution to lose weight and the start of the horrid 1,200 calorie diet or the no carb diet or the only eat lettuce diet.

Every year was a new fad diet to follow and a constant battle of losing weight just to re-gain it all back and then some.

But also felt stuck in this unhealthy cycle of feeling fat, sluggish, and hopeless and fall again into the endless loop of yo-yo dieting until I had enough.

As a proud Latina, I felt like I was abandoning my identity and culture with every new diet. I also felt like no one understood my struggle.

I didn’t want to be skinny, I wanted more. I wanted to feel confident in my skin, I wanted to be able to enjoy the foods I love while also loving my body.

I wanted the confidence to be able to put on a two piece bathing suite without feeling fat.

I also wanted to be strong, fit and fast. I knew there had to be a way to reach these goals without having to give up carbs or eat extremely low calories.

This is why I decided to educate myself in nutrition and fitness to I could have BOTH!

With time, dedication, and a lot of learning I felt so confident in my skin, in my body and learned to have a new appreciation for what this body has done for me all my life. I am no longer afraid of enjoying Mexican foods, attending family gathering, eating carne asada or enjoying the Christmas favorites like tamales and pozole.

I don’t have to give up foods by fear of gaining weight or going back to feeling fat. I found food freedom while also achieving my goals. And here I am today, training and coaching other jefas to reach their goals without following restrictive diets.

It is my passion to share the knowledge, experience and guidance with jefas like you, so you can also reach your goals.

I want the same for you, to guide you and give you the tools for life time results.

Let’s get you started Jefa!

If you’re interested in taking your fat loss journey to the next level and
would like personalized help, simply click the link below and let’s connect!